Upcoming Events
Know of an event that you'd like to see here? Please send email to .
Senior Center Events
An extensive list of Senior Center events is at the Brookline Senior Center web site.
COVID-19 Announcements from Senior Center Director Ruthann Dobek
COVID-19 Mask Update, November 2022
At the Senior Center, we continue to follow public health regulations and we remain on alert for COVID-19 variants or an increase in cases around the Commonwealth. Our current protocols are subject to change in the future, but we continue to encourage older residents to get vaccinated and we encourage the use of masks in our mask friendly environment.
Need A Ride To The Senior Center?
If you need a ride to the Senior Center, please call the Senior Center Van Reservation Line at 617-730-2750 at least one business day in advance. Please include the following information for all rides: name, phone number, pickup/drop off address, requested date/time for pick up. Donations are welcome to help offset the cost of gas. We appreciate your support!
Please note: The Senior Center uses a variety of transportation systems to get residents to and from the Senior Center.
Music Sharing Group
Thursdays, July 25-August 22, from 1:00-2:00 pm
Popular music and songs have impacted our lives in numerous ways. Research has shown that music can positively influence your emotions wherever and whenever you hear it. Please join our new Music Sharing Group where you will have the opportunity to share a song that brings you joy. We will discuss the stories, emotions, and feelings that the songs bring up. The leader will have a playlist to start the conversation. Some of the songs include "Here Comes the Sun" by The Beatles and "Can't Help Falling In Love" by Elvis Presley. Maryam Hassoon, LCSW, will be leading the group.
Please call Maryam at 617-730-2765 to register.
State Primary
Tuesday, September 3, 7am - 8pm
September 3, 2024, is State Primary day. The primary is for officials that represent Massachusetts in the US Senate and US House of Representatives. The ballot will also include candidates for state and county offices.
The polls will be open from 7:00 am until 8:00 pm. To see where you vote go to https://www.sec.state.ma.us/WhereDoIVoteMA/WhereDoIVote. The link will tell you where you vote and a sample ballot. If you are not registered with a party, you can choose the ballot you prefer.
If you have a mail in ballot, you have until the polls close to get it to the Town Clerk's office.
Aging in Place
Wednesday, September 4 at 1:00 pm
A program with Dr. Julie Norstrand, "Aging in Place: What Does It Mean to You?". While many prefer to remain in their homes, there are options available that can ensure a safe and comfortable living situation. Aging in place in its many forms will be discussed as well as the need for selfreflection on what aging in place means to each of us.
Dr. Norstrand has her Master's and PhD from Boston College and a Master's in Clinical Psychology from Drexel University. She is the founder of Help My Aging Parents, on the Board of the Newton Council on Aging, and facilitates caregiver support groups. This program is co-sponsored by Goddard House.
Please register at 617- 730-2770.King Lear on the Library Lawn with New Muse Productions
Saturday, September 7, from 3:00 to 4:00 pm
What do you call a king who gives up his kingdom? A fool? Or a father ready to pass on the burdens of power?
Join us at the Putterham Library with actors Stephen Collins and Poornima Kirby from New Muse Productions
for this haunting, darkly funny adaptation of Shakespeare's timeless classic. This one-hour production draws
directly from Shakespeare's text, with Stephen Collins as the mercurial King Lear, and Poornima Kirby as his
devoted, clear-eye fool, who narrates the action, and flows fluidly between Lear's daughters, friends, enemies.
This artistic adaptation honors the beautiful essence of the play, while bringing fresh life and a playful
twist to its timeless questions of mortality, loyalty, and the parent-child bond.
Please note this program will be outdoors on the library lawn - sunscreen, water, and picnic blankets
encouraged! If the weather isn't suitable, we'll move it inside to the Meeting Room.
Brookline Day
Sunday, September 8, 11am - 3pm
Brookline Day is a large community event, headed by the Brookline Recreation Department that involves many Brookline Town agencies, businesses, and partners.
Following the success of the 2022 & 2023 events, we are excited to be returning to Coolidge Corner for 2024!
This year is going to be our biggest and best year yet! We are planning the best vendors, games, inflatables, trucks, food, face painters, bands, prizes, and special activities, that we can find.
August Moon Celebration
Monday, September 9 at 1:00 pm
Our August Moon Celebration will be held on Monday, September 9 at 1:00 pm. Moon cakes and fruit will be served at the event and all registrants will receive a delicious Chinese takeout meal. This event, cosponsored by the Senior Center and the Greater Boston Chinese Golden Age Center, is always colorful and lively. A raffle will also be offered.
Space is limited, so please register at 617-730-2777.
Livable Community Advocacy Committee Meeting
Monday, September 9, 3:00 p.m.
Join a Zoom conversation with Roger Blood to learn more about what the Town and the HAB (Housing Advisory Board) are doing to promote affordable housing in Brookline with a special focus on senior housing.The agenda also includes a presentation by Age-Friendly Cities Committee Members Carol Caro and John Seay on the Committee's role in Town government and how it impacts decisions regarding Brookline's senior population.If you are not currently on the LCAC mailing list and wish to attend, please email Susan Granoff, who will be continuing as LCAC Chair, at by September 5.
Age-Friendly Cities Committee
Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 1:00 PM
via Zoom
The Age-Friendly Cities Committee will be meeting Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 1:00 PM via Zoom. Guests will be Jake Collins from the Planning Department, and Paul Warren, Select Board, and Chair of the Comprehensive Planning Committee. They will provide an update on the Comprehensive Plan process. This is a great opportunity to ensure that age-friendly issues are addressed in the Comprehensive Plan. Please join us. See the link below to register in advance for this meeting. Register in advance for this meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Community Flu Clinics
Tuesday, September 24, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Brookline Department of Public Health is sponsoring a flu clinic at the Brookline Senior Center. To register click here. Registration is required.
- Details: High-dose vaccine only for residents aged 65+. Registration required.
- What to Bring: All insurance and Medicare cards, ID.
- Reminder: Wear a short-sleeved or loose-fitting shirt, and please stay home if you feel ill.
Boomers And Beyond Travel Club - September Trip
Wednesday, September 25 at 11am (leaving Senior Center at 10)
Join us to see "Romeo and Juliet" at the American Reparatory Theater in Cambridge. A.R.T. Terrie and Bradley Bloom Artistic Director and Tony Award-winning director Diane Paulus (Becoming a Man, Jagged Little Pill, Waitress) reunites with two-time Olivier Award winner Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui (Jagged Little Pill; Beyoncé at the 2017 Grammy Awards and APESHIT; Madonna's Celebration tour) to stage a visceral, heart-pounding new production of Shakespeare's iconic love story. Please be aware that there are some stairs to get to the seating. Participants pay a discounted $15. Raffle for this event will be drawn on Wednesday, September 11 and attendees will be picked then. Payments will then be due by Wednesday, September 18.
Due to high demand for the Senior Centers monthly trips and a desire to be fair for all and allow more participants to enjoy these opportunities, we are piloting having registrants entered into a free staff supervised raffle. If you are part of a pair, this does not guarantee both registrants' attendance. For those who need caregiver assistance, please call Jamie at 617-730-2753. This is a pilot and we welcome your feedback.
Please register for the raffle at 617-730-2770.
Folk Music of the 1950's
Thursday, September 26 at 1:00 pm
Join John Clark for this multimedia presentation. We start by delving into the back story of American folk, including the blues and work song field recordings of John and Alan Lomax and the discovery of transplanted British Isles ballads in the Piedmont region of our country. Folk music's broader popularity officially began with the early 50s commercial breakthrough of the Weavers who scored big hits with Leadbelly and Woody Guthrie songs. We take you through the late Harry Belafonte's Jamaican Farewell, the Kingston Trio, and the emergence of Joan Baez at the first Newport Folk Festival, with a nod to the larger folk revival of the sixties with Burl Ives, Oscar Brand, Jean Ritchie, Odetta, Theodore Bikel and Dave van Ronk.
Please register at 617-730-2770.
Brookline Porchfest
Saturday, September 28
Various locations
Brookline Porchfest is a community live music event taking place on porches or yards around Brookline. The schedule for the event will be announced in late August.
BGSA Walks in Riverway Park
Saturdays, September 14 & October 5, 9am
What is the current status of plants and wildlife in Riverway Park? What did the Muddy River Restoration Project accomplish? What remains to be done? The Boston Green Space Alliance (BGSA) will hold two guided walks in Riverway Park, on Saturday, September 14, and Saturday, October 5. Each walk will start at 9:00 a.m. at the Longwood MBTA station on the "D" branch of the Green Line. Total distance walked will be about 1.5 miles. Participation is limited to 20 people for each walk. Please email to register.
Early Fall Trips with the Recreation Department
Jacob Martin, from the Brookline Recreation Department, has announced three trips in September and October.
September 10th a trip to Franklin
Park Zoo Trip Transportation is provided to and from Brookline Senior Center. - The bus leaves
promptly at 9:30am. We will return to the Brookline Senior Center by 12:30pm. - Please dress for the weather and
bring a water bottle!
October 8th a trip to Changing
Seasons Tree Celebration Please dress for the weather and bring a water bottle! Transportation is
provided from Brookline Senior Center to the Arboretum. The bus leaves promptly at 10am.
October 15th Blue
Hills Trailside Museum Trip Transportation is provided to and from Brookline Senior Center. - The
bus leaves promptly at 9:30am. We will return to the Brookline Senior Center by 12:30pm.
To register for these trips, click on the highlighted trip or go to the Recreation
Departments Website.
Walking Tours
Sundays, September 15, 22, 29, October 20, 27
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August Library Events
September Library Events
Support Disclaimer: Inclusion of services on this website does not represent a recommendation from the Brookline Council on Aging, the Brookline Senior Center, or the Brookline Community Aging Network.
Disclaimer: Inclusion of services through this program does not represent a recommendation or guarantee of work performance from the Brookline Council on Aging, the Brookline Senior Center, or the Brookline Community Aging Network. The user of this program therefore agrees to release the above named from any and all liability. The user should make whatever investigation or other resources that they deem necessary or appropriate before hiring or engaging Service Providers.