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Restroom List

Public (description of this class)
Address Name Location Building
Seasons Days Hours Location
in building
Handicap access Visible
333 Washington Town hall Brookline Village Public All week days 8 to 5 2-6 + basement Yes Yes Yes
361 Washington Main library Brookline Village Public All Closed weekends in summer Vary by day of week Main + basement Yes Yes Yes
31 Pleasant Street Coolidge Corner branch library Coolidge Corner Public All Closed Sundays in summer Vary by day of week Main Yes Yes Yes
350 Washington Public Safety building Brookline Village Public All All 24 Main Yes Yes Yes
959 West Roxbury Pkwy. Putterham branch library Putterham circle Public All Closed weekends in summer Vary by day of week Main Yes Yes Yes
Amory Street Amory Playground Cottage Farm Public Mid-April to mid-November All Noon to dusk Yes Yes
67 Highland Road Harry Downes field Near Olmsted Park - off Pond Ave. Public Mid-April to mid-November All Dawn to dusk Yes Yes
Newton Street Lars Anderson Park Public May to October All Dawn to dusk Next to the playground and picnic area by the Goddard Avenue parking lot Yes Yes
Saw Mill Road Skyline Park Off Newton Street Public Mid-April to mid-November All Dawn to dusk Yes Yes
652-654 Hammond Street Environmental Center at Soule Recreation Center Public Mid-April to mid-November All Dawn to dusk Yes Yes
Dean Road Waldstein (Dean) Public Mid-April to mid-November All Noon to dusk Yes Yes
60 Tappan Street Kiranne Aquatics Center High School Public All All 6 AM to 8 PM
66 Tappan Street Tappan Gym High School Public Sept. to May week days Nights
1281 West Roxbury Pkwy Lynch Municipal Golf Course Putterham Meadows Public April through November All Dawn to dusk
133 Eliot Street Eliot Administration building near Heath School Public All week days 8:30 to 5
93 Winchester Street Brookline Senior Center Near Coolidge Corner Public All mostly week days mostly 8:30 to 5
Public for patrons only
Address Name Location Building type Seasons
23 Newton Street Jack Kirrane Ice Skating Rink Lars Anderson Park For patrons December through February
Restaurants (description of this class)
Address Name Location Building type
455 Harvard Street Cognac Bistro JFK Crossing Restaurant
411 Harvard Street Dok Bua Thai Kitchen JFK Crossing Restaurant
401 Harvard Street Dorado Tacos JFK Crossing Restaurant
17 Station Street Inner Space Annex Brookline Village Restaurant
311 Harvard Street J.P.Lick's Coolidge Corner Restaurant
48 Boylston Street La Morra Brookline Village Restaurant
195 Washington Street Olea Café Brookline Village Restaurant

Support Disclaimer: Inclusion of services on this website does not represent a recommendation from the Brookline Council on Aging, the Brookline Senior Center, or the Brookline Community Aging Network.

Disclaimer: Inclusion of services through this program does not represent a recommendation or guarantee of work performance from the Brookline Council on Aging, the Brookline Senior Center, or the Brookline Community Aging Network. The user of this program therefore agrees to release the above named from any and all liability. The user should make whatever investigation or other resources that they deem necessary or appropriate before hiring or engaging Service Providers.


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